The Snow

更新时间:2025-03-17 00:00:56 高中生作文

I did bliv th snow was not a scn but a grat wondr. It brought m much mor than it had.What a big snow I hav nvr sn! What a bautiful snow I hav nvr njoy.Whn I wnt out for school from hom, I was doomd to gt a wondr. vrything smd unlucky to m. I lft th umbrlla at hom; I couldn’t unlock my bik and a big truck hld up th traffic, which took m abov 5 minuts to pass th road. At last I mt Charli and w wr both lat for th maths class. If it happnd th day bfor, w would go to our sats without saying anything. But today w wr forcd to stand outsid in th cold wind bcaus of th had tachr’s bad mood. I didn’t want to say anything. It was uslss. So I bgan to stand with Charli.Aftr a short whil, w both flt so cold that w couldn’t spak a word. Th world smd vry quit. I suddnly found thr was a lot of thin ic dropping from th sky. “Ic!” I shoutd to Charli who soon bcam xcitd th sam as m. W xpctd for th snow but nothing happnd.Aftr class, th had tachr didn’t sm to lt us in. W had to stand outsid for at last on mor class. Whn th bll rang h wnt to tach in Class 19.If you askd m whthr I had sn a big snow bfor that day, I would tll you I couldn’t rmmbr. But during that priod I got th answr.Th ic turnd whit and turnd to snow quitly. W wr immrsd in it without any word. From littl to big, th snow changd out of my imagination. With th wind blowing havily, th snow bat on my fac, hair and covrd all ovr my body. W couldn’t hlp shaking in th snow. W opnd our mouths to tast th icy snow, stood still in th snow, and njoyd th wondrful scn ourslvs.I did bliv th snow was not only a scn but a grat wondr as wll. It bought m much mor than it had.It was too grat and too bautiful that I couldn’t imagin. How fantastic it was! With th snow dropping on my body, I didn’t want to mov though it was so cold.If you livd in th north, you might think it was nothing. But th following thing was mor unral. A bird, a bautiful parrot, lik an angl, flw from th sky onto Charli’s shouldr and thn flw to my shouldr. I didn’t know how to xprss my flings, only njoying it. Th parrot didn’t sm to lav. How fantastic, I thought.Th snow bcam smallr and smallr aftr class. Mayb w lost somthing, but w got somthing, too. I didn’t know what it mant. I only wishd to bliv it would bring m good luck.I would nvr forgt that day.

The Snow

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