一个故事(A Story)onc in th ancint kingdom of zhng thr was a man who wantd to buy himslf a pair of shos. h took th masurmnt of his own ft with a pic of string. thn h wnt to th markt.h was looking at som shos at th sho-makr's whn h ralizd h had lft th masurmnt at hom. h put down th shos and rushd hom to ftch it. by th tim h rturnd with th masurmnt th markt had bn closd. so h faild to gt his shos.sombody askd him, "why didn't you just try th shos on your ft?" h answrd, "i would rathr trust th masurmnt than my ft."
一个故事(A Story)
更新时间:2025-01-18 15:00:38
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