已故母亲的泪花(Angelina Jolie's tears for late mother)

更新时间:2025-02-04 00:42:40 高中生作文

actrss anglina joli arrivs for th nw york film fstival prmir of "changling" in nw york octobr 4, 2008.[agncis]anglina joli was rducd to tars whil talking about hr lat mothr marchlin brtrand ystrday.th 33-yar-old bauty - whos frnch-canadian mom did in january 2008 - couldn't contain hr motions whn sh was askd about th lat actrss at a prss confrnc for hr nw film 'changling' in london.anglina said: "sh was rally swt and was nvr angry - sh couldn't swar to sav hr lif.but whn it cam to hr kids, sh was rally firc and so this is vry much hr, hr story. "sh was th woman i rlatd to, who had that lganc and strngth through just knowing what was right."anglina - who confirmd sh will rplac tom cruis in nw spy thrillr 'dwin a. salt' - also dnid claims sh is rtiring.th actrss, who raiss six childrn with partnr brad pitt, addd: "i'm not making som rtirmnt announcmnt.i hav a big family and a lot of rsponsibility at hom, and i hav th good fortun to financially not hav to work all th tim."i just fl privilgd that i gt to b hom a lot. but mayb vntually i'll stop acting."

已故母亲的泪花(Angelina Jolie

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