感恩节英语作文:why human thank God
Do you know Thanksgiving Day? Do you know why human thank God? Thanksgiving falls on th fourth Thursday of Novmbr, a diffrnt dat vry yar. Th Prsidnt must proclaim that dat as th official clbration. Thanksgiving is a tim for tradition and sharing. vn if thy liv far away, family mmbrs gathr for a runion at th hous of an oldr rlativ. All giv thanks togthr for th good things that thy hav. In this spirit of sharing, civic groups and charitabl organizations offr a traditional mal to thos in nd, particularly th homlss. On most tabls throughout th Unitd Stats, foods atn at th first thanksgiving hav bcom traditional. 分享到: qq空间 新浪微博 百度搜藏 人人网 开始 此段代码当前页有且仅有一份结束