场面描写:激动人心的比赛-An Exciting Race

更新时间:2025-01-18 13:21:40 高中生作文


场面描写:激动人心的比赛-An Exciting Race




An xciting Rac

Onc a yar a fild and track sports mt is hld in our school. This yar it took plac on 22nd. Ovr six hundrd popl, including tachrs and studnts, ntrd for this mt.

It was th last day of th sports mt. At about thr o'clock in th aftrnoon, thr cam a voic from th spakr:“Nxt itm is th girl's 400-mtr rlay rac. Runnrs plas gt vrything rady!”On haring this, th four girl runnrs of our class, Hln, Jan, Nora and Dinah, gathrd quickly by th track and did som warming-up xrciss①. With strong dtrmination, Dinah said to hr tammats, “W should win honour for our class and put up a good show.” Aftr som tim, tams from six othr classs wr ntrd. “On your marks,”th startr ② ordrd. Thn cam th pistol shot③. At th sound of it, th first runnrs shot from thir starting points. Many ys turnd to a thin sixtn-yar-old girl namd Hln who startd vry fast and bcam th first on. Soon th scond runnrs alrady moving, grabbd ④ th sticks and racd on. Nora, th third runnr had th stick and took th lad. Alrady running, Dinah rachd for th stick. Sh was flying thr or four stps ahad of th othrs. Dinah urgd hrslf, “Fastr! Fastr!” W chrd for hr, shouting at th top of our voic. Bit by bit, sh pulld quit ahad. It was too lat for th othrs to clos th gap and w all sighd with rlif. At th finishing lin, Dinah was th first on that rachd th nd.

At that momnt, nothing would hav bn mor xciting. W laughd, shoutd, and w wr vry proud of our hroins ⑤. W praisd thm for thir good tam work⑥.

Whn w at last rcivd our crtificat of award⑦, vryon in our class was smiling a happy smil. Though it was diffrnt from th champion of Olympic Gams ⑧, w all thought that it was no lss xciting.


①warming-up xrciss 准备动作

②startr ['sta:t+] n. 发号员

③pistol ['pistl] shot 发令枪声

④grab [gr$b] v. 抓取;(急速)抓住

⑤hroin ['hr+uin] n. 女英雄;女勇士

⑥good tam work 配合得好

⑦crtificat of award [s+'tifikit +'w&:d] 奖励证书;奖状

⑧th champion of Olympic Cams ['tM$mpj+n +v +u'limpik gimz] 奥林匹克运动会冠军


本文主要描写女子400米接力赛的场面。作者把这一场面放在一个很长的段落里写,给人以紧凑、紧张、生动、鼓舞人心的感觉。有些描写生动、具体,使读者好像身临其境,如“Thr cam a voic from th spakr, ‘Nxt itm is th girl's 400-mtr rlay rac. Runnrs plas gt vrything rady!’”;“…th first runnrs shot from thir starting points.”;“Soon th scond runnrs alrady moving, grabbd th stick and racd on.”等。

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