Miss Li is our nglish tachr. Sh always imprsss us dply with hr livly nglish class.On day whn th first bll rang, th monitor stood up and said, “Our nglish tachr is going to hav an opration today. It has not bn dcidd yt who will giv us th lsson. ”Th class turnd silnt at his words. It smd that no on would bliv him. In fact, all of us wr afraid that Miss Li would no longr b with us. At this momnt, Miss Li appard at th door. Sh lookd tird and pal.“I’ll b missing you badly, ”sh said in a low voic, “I hav askd th doctor to put off th opration till tomorrow bcaus I don’t want you to miss a singl class. ”Sh wnt on, “A nw tachr will tak my plac and I hop you’ll gt on wll with him. I’ll com back as soon as I’m bttr. ”Haring this, all of us wr movd to tars. What a good tachr w hav.
更新时间:2025-03-16 02:37:34
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