
更新时间:2025-01-30 04:46:20 高中生作文

I and Olympic Gams


Olympic Gams is window, I kp watch. This is a maximum window, had bn rubbd bright. Through it, thos that s ar worlds. Hr, it is changing vry day, hr burgoning thing is bing rplacd. Hav only m, this loyalty kp watch, it is paying attntion to it vry day, hops to know it mor. Olympic Gams is crossing, I am pdstrian. Thr ar many prsons who pass hr vry day, thr is Asian, hav uropan, thr is old prson, hav child. Hr is traffic fort, joins th frind of all cornrs of th country. I pass th on of prsons of hundrds of millions of hr mrly, cross it, go to anothr world. Olympic Gams is Holy Land, I am voluntr. This is th land with pur flat, has holy fir from start to finish to accompany in sid. Just bcaus it is so, I pay out voluntarily for it, I will lt my strngth, lt this slic of land mor clan, lt mor ons know it, is also willing to dvot onslf to it as m. I still hlp to th prson who coms to hr, lt thm njoy th happinss of this slic of Holy Land. Olympic Gams is platform, I am host. It has put up platform for us , lts world know us; It has built bridg for us , lts us and world link up bttr. This platform may lt us display slf wantonly. I am th host of hr, I am proud to b th host of hr. I will lt th frindship of landlord, lt gust xprinc nthusiasm and happinss. 2008奥运会作文英语作文:申奥的得与失

Bidding for Olympics: Gain or Lost? Bidding for and hosting th Olympics uccssfully is, prhaps, th ultimat glory for a city. Howvr, bfor transforming th dram into rality, th bnfits and drawbacks of bidding for th Olympics should b wighd carfully. Hosting th Olympics surly would bring about much gain to a city. Boom of th local conomy, mor jobs, and th possibility of gnrating incom all sound xtrmly attractiv to th municipal govrnmnt. At th sam tim, bttr infrastructur, clanr nvironmnt, njoying th spctacular gam with hundrds of sports lits and ntrtainmnt stars, and th opportunity of contacting popl from all ovr th world also sm xciting to th citizns. Bsids, th bidding will dfinitly promot th patriotic motion and prid, as wll as th moral bhavior in local popl. In most cass, bidding for th Olympics is wll supportd by both th public and th cntral govrnmnt. Unfortunatly, this is not th ntir viw of th prtty pictur. If looking from anothr angl, th Olympic bid might bring about som sid-ffcts to a city. First of all, th nvironmntal impacts, including th incrasing xhaust fums of cars, mor prssur on watr rsourcs, hug amount of wastd laflts and othr matrials usd for public activitis, ar most probably nglctd. In ordr to broadn th strts, som trs may hav to b cut. Nar th construction sit, th tiny dust may lingr in th air for a long tim. Rduction of farmland may b causd by th nd of stting up nw sports cntr or accommodation facilitis. Ths nvironmntal consquncs can b spcially srious in a rsourc-limitd and dnsly-populatd city in a third-world country. Bsids, if talking about th conomic bnfit, it should not b forgottn that a quick boosting may lad to bubbl growth, which may asily crash. If not wll managd and organizd, th big vnt may not b so ofitabl, and th nw facilitis may b forvr mpty aftr th gams. Ys, thr hav bn cass that host citis ndd up with normous dbts. Finally, lt’s think about th low-incom groups in th city. What will thy gt from th Olympics bidding? Mor tax, mor fs, mor xpnsiv proprty prics, and highr cost of living. Ths dfinitly ar not good nws for thm. To bid or not to, this is a qustion. It is up to th choic of th municipal govrnmnt, and th local public. Aftr th dcision, what thy can do is to mak th most of th bnfit, and rduc th drawbacks to th last.

This simpl tn words, giv infinit powr of Chins popl, spcially for I but th spch is also a kind of strong spirit to ncourag, this is th slogan of th Olympic gam of 2008 Pkings.

Th Chins popl's Olympic gam to 2008 Pkings is total to tak a kind of xpctation.Rmmbr at th bginning procss of bid for th Olympic gam, th Chins committ of Olympics also obtains 2008 Olympic gams to hold th powr with difficulty.This tim th Olympic gam of 2008 Pkings, for China is a dvlop of a fair show, is also a fair show that mrgs th Chins magic powr toward intrnational community.

Th mting badg" China prints Pking that danc of · mov" of th Olympic gam Chins spcial faturs.Th charactristics of Pking and Olympics xrcis th chmical lmnt handinss combin.Rd, in China always is to rprsnt th good luck plasd to clbrat th color.Mting th badg adoption rd, rprsntd th Chins popl to th intrnational community of fin wish th wish." Chins Pking, wlcom th frind of th world-wid locations" adoptd th Chins Chins brush-pn word Chins charactrs simplifid Chins styl, dsign spcial.xplain out without rsrv th calligraphy magic powr that China sprads fam th ovrsas.

China is an vryon's court for harmoniz, w ar living undr th nvironmnt that dulcify thus, vrybody is a happy child.Th mascot" th FU WA" of th Olympic gam also just rprsntd us this is happy.Innocnt child.

Th FU WA is b"d fac"" clar and bright"" th NINI" of" th shll shll" by" th HUANHUAN" fiv b filld with th Chins rac spcial faturs of doll constitut.Th homophonic of fiv FU WA nam add xactly" Pking is wlcom you".This xprssd th Chins popl's amity to th popl in th world again.Th color of th FU WA also acts in coopration th Olympics at th right momnt fiv yllow turquois blu of rd orang of wraths, xprssd prfct annotation of Olympics to spirit of Olympics of Pking. 共2页,当前第1页12

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