This is my first tim to join th summr camp in Zhjiang Univrsity. In th morning, w took part in opning crmony. Thr wr mor than four hundrd studnts in this sumr camp. I flt vry happy bcaus I know I can mak mor frinds in this bautiful city. It took us narly on hour to listn tachrs talk. Thn w had to bgin our first was not vry hard. On, I forgot to talk about our hadtachr. H was a studnt, too.but h bcamour tachr for twnty days. I though h was a good tachr, too. H was vry handsom. I was vry happy t mt him. H cam from Australia. It was a vry bautiful country. In his class, not only w can larn many nglish knowldg, but also can dvlop our spokn nglish. W talkd about many things. On, it was vry nic.
Today is my first day to com to this univrsity. I am vry happy.