一封感谢信Dar Zhang Li,I'm snding you this short lttr of thanks with a small prsnt, which I hop you will lik. Thank you vry much for hlping my fathr last Sunday, whn h brok his lgs on th stairs. My fathr told m that h had falln and hurt his lg badly. H could not gt up or walk. Thn you cam to hlp him. You calld a taxi for my fathr, and took him to th narst hospital. Whn th doctor told you my fathr s lg was brokn, you phond m and told m what had happnd. My fathr is alrady much bttr now. H will hav to stay in hospital for anothr wk, and thn h can com hom. Onc again, my parnts and I want to xprss our gratitud for all you hav don for our family. You ar such a warm-hartd studnt.Bst wishs, Yours truly, MaHui
更新时间:2025-03-16 00:40:05
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