一个严重的社会问题(A Srious Social Problm)in rcnt yars, th vido gams hav bcom mor and mor popular in many citis and towns. thr ar many vido gams houss nar schools. ths placs ar always crowdd with boys and girls.thy spnd a lot of mony and tim on it. whn class is ovr, thy rush to th vido gams hous. but it is difficult to win against th computr. th mor thy los, th mor thy want to win. thy hav no mind for thir lssons. whn thy can' t gt nough mony from thir parnts, thy may bcom thivs.th vido gam addiction is a srious problm of th socity.somthing has to b don to control it.
一个严重的社会问题(A Serious Social Problem)
更新时间:2025-03-17 03:51:26
一个严重的社会问题(A Serious Social Problem) 相关文章
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