一个人的巴黎 读后感 第(1)篇
Journalist & Novelist Jojo Moyes
Jojo, who grew up in London, is a quite famous novelist. She has won the Romantic Novelists Award twice and Me before You has gone on to sell over 8 million copies worldride. The film adaptation of Me Before You starring Sam Claflin (The Hunger Games) and Emilia Clarke (Game of Thrones) was released in June 2016 and was a huge box-office success. The screenplay was written by Jojo.
Recommend to
I highly recommend this book to advanced English learners. No difficult words, simple secentence structure, easy to understand. If you are interested in learning English or improving your reading skills, you definitely can check this out. BUT if you have never read Jojo Moyes books before, DO NOT read this book first beacuse this book is not her best book and I would love to recommend her another book which I mentioned before Me Before You to be her frist book valuable to read.
About this book
This book contains 11 short stories about love.
This story was honestly my favourite of the collection. This story was the longest among the collection. Nell has never been to paris. In fact, she had barely been beyond her own postcode. I adore the paris setting very much. As we all know, paris is the global center for art, fashion, gastronomy and culture. She planned to go to paris with her boyfriend on a romantic weekend. However Nells boyfriend failed to show up. Nell had to experience everything of paris on her own. She had to find herself alon in a strange romantic city even though she was afraid. Her selfish boyfriend didnt care her feelings at all. This adventure will change her totally and you will enjoy this delightful story while reading. Trust me :)
Between the Tweets
Love in the Afternoon
A Bird in the Hand
Crocodile Shoes
Honeymoon in paris
Last Years Coat
Thirteen Days with John C
The Christmas List
The other 10 stories are really short stories, I dont think these could be treated as Novel. They all talk about love and love, telingl us about marriage, secret love, working mother and neglected wife etc. All the stories make you feel you are the one who plays the role and Jojos book could bring youself think further more about relationship, about future or current marriage. From novel, you could hardly get any knowledgable information BUT novels could borden our imagination which will open our minds to new possibilities and new ideas helping us experience our world through others lives and stories.
Imagination is more important than knowledge. For while knowledge defines all we currently know and understand, imagination points to all we might yet discover and create.
- Albert Einstein
Hope you will enjoy this book.
Thanks for reading my review ️
一个人的巴黎 读后感 第(2)篇
交了个不负责任的男朋友,结果会是如何呢?n弄不好就会像奈尔一样,伤心、伤身、又伤钱!n《一个人的巴黎》故事的女主角奈尔,因为交了一个不负责任的前男友,于是就有了这样的遭遇。原本,预订了令人期待周末巴黎双人之行,因为态度敷衍的前男友,最后变成孤家寡人出行,奈尔简直不敢相信,却又不得不面对现实。那时的奈尔感觉自己就像一个笑话——一个悲催的、令人伤心落泪的笑话。还好,奈尔到的是美食之都,巴黎的美食,可以带她些许安慰!n巴黎,也不愧有浪漫之都的美名。在这里,奈尔——一位可爱的红发女孩,在街头的咖啡馆里,邂逅了帅气的单身男人——法比安。并且,两人巧合地在展览馆门口再次相遇,这个巧合为两人的纯爱恋曲拉开了序幕。于是,在短暂的假日里,俊男和靓女,骑着摩托车穿梭在巴黎的大街小巷,22分钟内看完巴黎的著名景点。这个桥段,莫名令我觉得熟悉,在脑海子一番搜索,我想起了奥黛丽·赫本和格利高里·派克出演的《罗马假日》。虽然,《一个人的巴黎》在部分情节上与《罗马假日》有某些相似之处,但《一个人的巴黎》中,奈尔所经历的巴黎之行,并不完全与奥黛丽·赫本的罗马假日雷同。奈尔在感受到法比安的魅力之后,对他心生爱慕,但作者却并没有让奈尔昏了头。在奈尔那义薄云天的三个女朋友,把她的前男友赶来巴黎之后,奈尔在陌生的城市看清了前男友的真面目,果断地决定分手,她选择让自己活得真实而快乐,坦然面对自己的心声n,和法比安在一起度过难得的假日。两人在巴黎的河道上吹风,在巴黎的黎明前的街道上漫步,在巴黎的一张大床上共进早餐……这对生活一向循规蹈矩的奈尔来说,是完全不同的、充满新鲜感的人生体验,这样的生活,是人生前26年的奈尔不敢想象的。假期结束后,奈尔回到了英国,但是她变了,积极面对生活,充满了活力,并且感染了她的妈妈。她和妈妈分享过巴黎假日的部分情节,她妈妈也很支持她主动出击创造新生活。于是,半年后奈尔拒绝了升值加薪,为了爱情二度来到巴黎。并且带着妈妈同游巴黎,乘坐她提到过了的河上游船。可爱的作者,很擅长描写人们的日常生活和心态变化,使得奈尔和法比安再续前缘的过程,虽有小波折,但最终水到渠成。故事的结局,最终不负读者所望,用一个happy endding的结局画下句点。罗马假日式的纯真爱恋是这篇文章的最大亮点。而在追寻真爱的过程中,奈尔的坚持,法比安的坚守,似乎更像是作者想要传递给读者的爱情价值观。本书除了《一个人的巴黎》这个故事之外,还收录了8个围绕着不同女性角色的短篇故事。传递温馨和找寻幸福的正能量,启示女性找寻感知幸福的能力!n
一个人的巴黎 读后感 第(3)篇
Me Before You电影的原作者,风格我比较喜欢吧,这个作者描写很好,我没注意,可能都去看了故事了。在学校还是更适合看短篇小说。一个人的巴黎:不要吊死在一棵树上,会有一个人值得你的爱!整体感觉像是电影爱在日落黄昏时和爱在黎明破晓前的感觉。对巴黎充满了幻想,这该是一座多么浪漫的城市啊!n博客硝烟:很讽刺!从一开始就觉得那个男的不对劲!n爱在午后:看了没什么印象了?n囚鸟:不太懂,前两天看了一篇文章,一个女人如果完完全全是由一个男人的灵魂塑造出来的,那他两是不会在一起的。有点意思。鳄鱼皮鞋:做一个精致的女人有多重要我什么时候才能会穿高跟鞋啊,这是个问题。抢劫:讲了什么来着n旧衣:没有必要为了虚荣而活,你觉得自己不如别人时,说不定他表面光鲜亮丽,实际已经负债累累呢。有一个贴心的老公和公公有多舒服。和强尼一起的十三天:莫名其妙n圣诞清单:有时候陌生人的小小举动会很温暖,我们也不用为了别人而活,更别说还是不在乎我们的人了。