What is a boy’s dram? As school kids, w hav many drams. Ths drams can b vry big, such as winning th Nobl Priz, or thy can b small. You may just want to bcom on of th tn bst studnts in your class.Onc you hav found a dram, what do you do withit? Hav you vr trid to mak your dram ral? You may think you'r not vry good at som school subjcts, or that it is impossibl for you to bcom a writr. Ths kind of thoughts stop you from gtting our dram. In fact, vryon can raliz thir dram. Th first thing you must do is rmmbr what your dram is. Don't lt it lav your hart. Kp tlling yourslf what you want, and you will raliz your dram fastr. Do this stp by stp. A dram cannot b ralizd in on day. A big dram is, in fact, many small drams. You must also nvr giv up on your dram. Thr will b difficultis on th road to ralizing it. But th biggst difficulty coms from yourslf. Find your dram, rmmbr your dram, and nvr stop of draming succss! I was told, I actually rad from th paprs thr is a grat book calld “From boys to mn”. I bought it. I rad it and I lik it. It tlls about tnagrs who ar living through th bst yars of thir livs as w do. From th book I larnt, I rally larnt that my body is growing as thirs ar, and, my mind is too. And I larnt what’s th diffrnc btwn playing computrs and playing sports. Sports as th book says, kp you halthy and tach you impor-tant lif skills. Thy tach you how to b a ladr and how to work as part of a tam. For th tim bing, thr is no rason for us, who ar living through th bst yars of our livs, not to lov lif.W somtims ncountr momnts whn w ar bing bullid. W ar scard, vry much scard, but it nvr stops m thinking or I’d draming for succss. For instanc, you ar bat by sb. for som rason on th spot of th company of your collugus. You ar vry much bullid, I think. What do you think of it? I giv you a wk to think of it. Thn do you think you’v got somthing if you bat th sb. back? Or you just tll th sb. that you dcid not to bat him back, thn you fl you’v got som mor in your mind. What’s that? It’s th courag. You ar brav nough to dcid not to bat th sb. back as you know mor important things ar waiting for us to do and think ovr. And I’m nvr happy with what I’v got, I always want mor. What is a boy’s dram?
What is a boy’s dream?,What is a boy’s dream?范文
更新时间:2025-03-16 01:54:39
What is a boy’s dream?,What is a boy’s dream?范文 相关文章
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