恬猟・煽曙^仟富定鵜 ̄弌僥伏哂囂恬猟

更新时间:2025-03-15 13:26:46 小学生作文

煽曙^仟富定鵜 ̄弌僥伏哂囂恬猟th sun is shinning. th birds ar singing. what a nicday! bill is walking in th forst. suddnly, h ss a dog.th dog is lovly, but it looks vry tird. “mayb it's ill.”bill thinks. “is thr anyon?” bill shouts, “whos dog isit?” no on answrs him. “i must hlp th dog to find itsownr.” bill taks th dog to his hom.th nxt day, bill sticks som papr on th walls of thcity. h writs on th papr: “i found a dog, it's brown. itlooks ill. if you ar its ownr, plas call m. my tlphonnumbr is 56430768. thanks!”aftr many days, bill still can't find th dog's ownr.bill maks a small hous for th dog, and fds bons to itvry day. th dog is not oftn play togthr. bill givs thdog a nam -- littl bill. littl bill jumps to bill, and shouts,“woof! woof!” bill smils. what a wondrful tim thyhav!貧今弊順翌忽囂弌僥 歪嚴綏on day, bill was walking on th strt. thn h saw ablack and whit dog slping in th bushs, it lookd wllfd, so bill thought, “som on must lost this dog, i havto hlp th dog to find his ownr.”bill took th dog hom and printd out papr that says,“found dog, black and whit.” thn h wnt out to put thpaprs ovr th nighbors and bought a bag of bons onth way back hom.soon bill and th dog bcam good frinds. thy wrhappy to s ach othr vryday. aftr bill finishd hiswork, h would tak th dog for a littl walk around thhouss and thn at dinnr with th dog. whn bill camhom, th dog always bggd bill to tak it for a walk.now dog's ownr still didn't show up. bill still kpt thdog in his yard. h said, “i will kp th dog until thownr turns up!”how lucky bill is to hav such a good nw frind!叺健弌僥 斌床冩on sunday morning, bill walks in a gardn. th sky isso blu that it looks lik a big prcious ston. som cloudsar floating lisurly. suddnly, h ss a dog on th sidof th road. “whos dog is it?” h thinks, “i must findth ownr.” so h finds a small hous, and writs a fwwords: “found dog, black with whit”, thn h put thpic of papr on th wall. th most surprising thing is, noon coms to th small hous and notics th not. onday, bill catchs sight of th small hous, and dcids tofd th dog himslf. so h carris a larg packt of bonsand lads th dog to th small hous.from thn on, th small dog bcoms his playmats.look! it has got two long ars, two big ys which alwaysblink and a long tail. whnvr it finishs its satisfyingmal, it nods its had as if saying:“thanks a million. i doapprciat for th dlicious mal.”whn bill mtssomthing unhappy, th littl dog sms to undrstandhim, it bcoms bill's bst partnr.dogs ar human's frinds. popl should protct dogsas dogs ar vry usful.allocation of tim俯拐揃及励弌僥 励定雫 忌這mayb you always ask “how can i gt mor and mortim?” now, i can tll you a story.onc upon a tim, thr wr many popl in a villag whichnamd “gold tim”. and thr was an old man in th villag.villagrs calld him “tim man”. bcaus h could “mov”tim to a lot of placs. somtims h “movd” it to th top ofth dsk. somtims h “movd” it to th playground. thrwr many popl on th playground. som did xrciss. somplayd football. and h “movd” it to popl's hom. thywr having a birthday party. and th othr popl wrcooking.in spit of this, many popl still said,“i havn't got noughtim! tim man, giv m nough tim!” tim man was vryangry. h couldn't bar it. thn, h killd himslf. it was 12:00p.m. so now w hav 24 hours a day.if you think tim is not nough. you must hurry up to dovry thing quickly. and don't wast tim. if you can do vrything wll, i think you must b bst.do you know? mr. lu said, “w only can gt 24 hours onday. it brings sombody gold. and it also givs sombody lazyand unhappy.i only want tll you,“don’t wast tim.”妁臼曝糞刮弌僥 励定雫 供知翅thr ar twnty-four hours a day. during a day, what canw do?vry on should hav mor than 7 hours' slp. so w justhav svntn hours on doing othr things. working is th mostimportant thing. studnts hav homwork. houswivs havhouswork and husbands hav businss. usually, w spnd 60%of tim on it. if w hav to work, w must hav a halthy body.how can w work whn w ar sick? so w nd to do somsports. w should rlax ourslvs. w’d bttr spnd 30% oftim on sports. th last 10% of tim, is th happist tim forchildrn ---- thy can play! why? th 10% of tim is for fstivaland holidays! thy can hav a party, thy can hav a picnic.thy can do anything thy want to do. that’s a happy day,isn’t it?妁臼曝糞刮弌僥 励定雫 販厰猟“di-da! di-da! di-da!” this is a clock. it tlls us tim. buthow do w allocat tim? that’s a big qustion. w should taktim to thr parts: study tim --- 60%, sports tim --- 30% andplay, at, rst tim --- 10%.i think th most important tim is studying tim. in this partof th tim w must work and do homwork quickly. thn w canhav much tim to hav a rst and play.w ar tnagrs. aftr studying w must do som sports.and it can mak us halthy and strong. i lik sports vry much.whn i hav tim, i go skiing with my frinds. w ar vry happyto b thr.foods! what a bautiful word. w at food vry day. howdlicious. and in this part of th tim, w should do somhouswork with our parnts.studying is at th study tim.working is at th work tim.playing is at th spar tim.that is why th childrn ar happy!

恬猟・煽曙^仟富定鵜 ̄弌僥伏哂囂恬猟

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