Past, Now And Future,Past, Now And Future范文

更新时间:2025-03-14 01:16:36 初中生作文

Past, Now And Futur,Past, Now And Futur范文Past, Now And Futur Past, Now And Futur

Past, Now And Future,Past, Now And Future范文

Long long ago, many familis had thr or four childrn. Thy couldn’t look aftr vryon wll, so th childrn must do vrything by thmslvs. Thy wr too poor to go to school. Som of thm likd larning, but thy had to go to find jobs to mak mony. Sinc thy wr childrn, thy could do lots of difficult things lik thir parnts. Somtims thy vn did bttr than thm!

But now, many familis hav only on child and thy rgard thir child as a parl. Thy did vrything for th childrn. vry day, whn th child gts up, thir parnts hlp him to mak th room clan. Thy also gt brakfast rady for thir child. Whn th child is fr, thy can slp or do othr things, but thy ndn’t do any houswork. So many childrn can’t cook; wash thir cloths, som don’t vn know how to clan th floor. That’s too bad.

In th futur, many familis will hav computrs. W can work on th computr instad of going out to do vrything. Th childrn also can larn on th computrs, so thy don’t nd to mov! Aftr a long tim, w’ll bcom fattr and fattr. W won’t b abl to do anything by ourslvs!

So, which way is good for us? W must think mor.

Past, Now And Futur

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