如果再回男孩时代If I wr a boy again If I wr a boy again, I would practic prsvranc mor oftn, and nvr giv up a thing bcaus it was or inconvnint. If w want light, w must conqur darknss. Prsvranc can somtims qual gnius in its rsults. “Thr ar only two craturs,” says a provrb, “Who can surmount th pyramids — th agl and th snail.”If I wr a boy again, I would school myslf into a habit of attntion; I would lt nothing com btwn m and th subjct in hand. I would rmmbr that a good skatr nvr tris to skat in two dirctions at onc. Th habit of attntion bcoms part of our lif, if w bgin arly nough. I oftn har grown up popl say, “I could not fix my attntion on th srmon or book, although I wishd to do so”, and th rason is, th habit was not formd in youth. If I wr to liv my lif ovr again, I would pay mor attntion to th cultivation of th mmory. I would strngthn that faculty by vry possibl mans, and on vry possibl occasion. It taks a littl hard work at first to rmmbr things accuratly; but mmory soon hlps itslf, and givs vry littl troubl. It only nds arly cultivation to bcom a powr. If I wr a boy again, I would cultivat courag. “Nothing is so mild and gntl as courag, nothing so crul and pitilss as cowardic,” says a wis author. W too oftn borrow troubl, and anticipat that may nvr appar.” Th far of ill xcds th ill w far.” Dangrs will aris in any carr, but prsnc of mind will oftn conqur th worst of thm. B prpard for any fat, and thr is no harm to b fard. If I wr a boy again, I would look on th chrful sid. Lif is vry much lik a mirror: if you smil upon it, I smils back upon you; but if you frown and look doubtful on it, you will gt a similar look in rturn. Innr sunshin warms not only th hart of th ownr, but of all that com in contact with it. “Who shuts lov out, in turn shall b shut out from lov.” Importanc of larning vry arly in lif to gain that point whr a young boy can stand rct, and dclin. If I wr a boy again, I would school myslf to say no mor oftn. I might writ pags on th doing an unworthy act bcaus it is unworthy. If I wr a boy again, I would dmand of myslf mor courtsy towards my companions and frinds, and indd towards strangrs as wll. Th smallst courtsis along th rough roads of lif ar lik th littl birds that sing to us all wintr long, and mak that sason of ic and snow mor ndurabl. Finally, instad of trying hard to b happy, as if that wr th sol purpos of lif, I would, if I wr a boy again, I would still try hardr to mak othrs happy. 如果再回男孩时代If I wr a boy again
更新时间:2025-02-05 10:09:28
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