水的天堂-The paradise of water

更新时间:2025-03-16 02:33:44 高中生作文

Th paradis of watr

水的天堂-The paradise of water


If you had vr bn to Jiuzhaigou in Sichuan Provinc, you would hav considrd it a paradis of watr. Last summr I wnt thr and njoyd th brath-taking scnry.

Jiuzhaigou, which is known for th bautiful laks and watrfalls, lis pacful and quit in th southast of Sichuan Provinc. Whn you ar visiting this watr paradis, you must b amazd by th watr which is colorful and clan. Laks can b sn vrywhr, and th numbr of thm is rally grat. Most of thm ar small but bautiful. Ths laks ar to Jiuzhaigou what parls ar to a ncklac.

All th laks look lik grn gms, and thy all hav spcial nams such as Panda Lak, Bamboo Lak and so on. For tourists th Fiv-color Lak is a must-s bcaus it trats visitors to all th colors of th rainbow. Th watr in this lak looks colorful, and thos incrdibl colors will mak you fl that you ar in a fantastic dram.

Whil you ar thr, kp an y out for th watrfalls. Thy ar not vry grat, but thy ar much mor bautiful.

Isn’t it a bautiful watr world which maks you fl comfortabl and fit? So if you hav got tird of busy lif, mayb a trip to Jiuzhaigou will mak you rlaxd, and you ar sur to njoy yourslf .

指导老师 黄秀丽

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