要好的人:我最好的朋友-My Best Friend

更新时间:2025-01-18 21:03:20 高中生作文


要好的人:我最好的朋友-My Best Friend





My Bst Frind

Whn I look at th old photo, I can't hlp thinking of my bst frind, Wang Ying. At th ag of fiv, I mad frinds with hr. Sh livd nxt door to m, and was thn svntn yars old. Th twlv yar's gap in ag didn't hindr① our growing fondnss② for ach othr. Sh tratd m as a youngr sistr of hr own.

In school, Wang Ying was a 3-A studnt③. Sh did wll in vry subjct. But sh nvr smd to b proud of hr achivmnts. Sh was hard-working and good-naturd to youngr studnts. I rmmbr th littl incidnt that took plac two yars ago. On day I caught a bad cold and had a high fvr. I had to stay in bd. This prvntd m from going to school. I was vry anxious for missing so many classs whn suddnly th door opnd. In cam Wang Ying.

“Hllo, Tong-tong. How ar you fling today?” sh said to m with a frindly smil. “Don't worry about your lssons. Now lt m mak thm up for you.” Bfor I could say anything, sh had takn th nglish txtbook out of hr schoolbag. I was so movd that I couldn't kp back my tars.

Wang Ying was a kind-hartd girl. Though sh was th only child of hr parnts, sh was not spoild. Sh was polit to tachrs and studnts, gnrous to hr frinds, and kind to th poor. Sh was always rady to giv hr pockt mony sh had savd to thos in nd without hsitation.

On day last yar, on hr way hom, Wang Ying saw a littl boy slipping into a pond. Th boy was struggling dspratly④ in th watr. Sing this, Wang Ying quickly ran to th pond whil shouting for hlp. Sh jumpd into th cold watr to sav th boy. With th hlp of som workrs, th boy was finally rscud. Howvr, our littl hro, lik Luo Shngjiao, lost hr own lif.

Popl wr sad ovr hr dath. I flt somthing was missing in my lif. For th happinss of th boy's family, Wang Ying sacrificd⑤hrslf. Hr dath is a glorious dath wightir than Mount Tai.



①hindr ['hind+] v.阻止;阻碍;妨碍

②fondnss ['f&ndnis] n.喜爱

③a 3-A studnt 一个三好学生

④dspratly ['dsp+ritli] ad.拼死地;不顾一切地

⑤sacrific ['s$krifais] v.牺牲;献出



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