My Family(4)

更新时间:2025-03-16 03:02:48 小学生作文

My Family(4)

My Family(4)

Hllo! vryon. Hr’s a photo of my family.

Look! th girl in rd is myslf. I’m Gu Tingyan. My nglish nam is Wndy. Plas call m Wndy, bcaus I lik it. I’m tall and thin. My ys ar big. My hair is short. I lik rading, skating, drawing and nglish. I’m vry clvr. I’m th top studnt in my class. All th tachrs and classmats lik m and I lik thm, too.

th man on th right is my fathr. H is also vry tall. H’s handsom. H always wars a pair of glasss. My fathr is an nglish tachr of middl school. Somtims w larn nglish togthr. My fathr liks basktball. H is good at it. H always plays basktball with his workmats.

th woman on th lft is my mothr. In my ys, sh’s vry bautiful. Sh is tall, too. My mothr has a round fac, two big ys and a small nos. Hr hair is long. My mothr is a doctor. Sh works vry hard. Sh liks smiling. Sh’s vry kind. I think my mothr is a good houswif. Sh can mak dlicious dinnr and sh can do th houswork wll. Somtims I hlp hr.

I hav a happy family. I lik my fathr and my mothr.

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