
更新时间:2025-03-15 13:10:17 高中生作文

Th most unforgttabl xprinc of my lif



As a studnt ,I don’t hav any grat vnt to talk about ,but hr I want to shar my xprinc of prparing for th high school ntranc xamination.

During th first thr yars of junior school ,w wr vry happy and fr .But w oftn hard that Grad 4 would b a hll. Aftr th final xam of Grad 3 in Jun, vrything blw onto our facs : tachrs’ changing , hardr and hardr txts , trribl prssur and of cours th graduat xam .Whr your position was on th listboard bcam th most important thing in our lif .W had to study hard day and night ,always from 6:00 a.m. to 1:00 or 2:00 a.m. th nxt day.

But I must say that it’s rally an unforgttabl mmory in my lif. Undr th prssur w livd our lif to th fullst, and njoyd th tru intrsting things that w may hav nvr card bfor. Grad 4 in junior school was a turning point in my lif. My attitud to larning, my world outlook and my philosophy of lif all changd. I turnd to b positiv and strong. I also gaind many popl’s tru & pur frindship, both tachrs ’ and classmats’. In som way, I lik that kind of lif, as it taught m many things I’d nvr larnd bfor.

Tachrs also hlpd m a lot. I still can’t forgt that my history tachr talkd to m until 10:00 p.m. on April 30th, 2003, for my application. My had tachr also ncouragd m, so did my Chins tachr. I should say, all my tachrs workd vry hard and always nglctd thir slp and mals. vn if som of thm wr about 50 and oftn fll ill, thy nvr lft us on day .

Th last and gratst challng was of cours th final xam, also my high school ntranc xam. I flt vry wll and comfortabl xcpt my chmistryphysics xams. Th rsult provd that I couldn’t hav don wors in thm. But in total, my mark is O.K. So thn I bcam a studnt in th bst high school of Hubi Provinc.

W, tachrs and studnts, got togthr in ast Lak Hotl on Jun 4th, 2003. At th momnt of saying goodby, I flt that my tim of junior had gon ,and my snior tim was coming .

Today, I lookd at my graduat photos again ,and ,I smild .

H onc hsitatd ,struggld, fard and doubtd, lik an ordinary man would do. But h just "stays at th door of fat", as th nam of his nwly-writtn book says, and waits till th door opns instad of laving during th half way. Thn thr coms a wholly nw world whr th bautiful dram lis .


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