我们的外籍教师(Our Forign Tachr)ms jrry is a forign tachr. sh ooms from nw zaland. sh is thirty-on yars old. sh has fair hair, whit skin and gray ys. sh is tall and slim. sh looks vry kind. and in fact, sh is kind indd.ms jrry is a good tachr. although sh only coms to our school twic a wk, yt sh is vry rsponsibl to hr work and strict with hr studnts. onc. sh was ill, but sh wnt on giving us lssons. whn w larnd this, w all listnd to hr vn mor attntivly than usual.ms jrry tachs us nglish with grat nthusiasm:" aoh lsson sh will bring us nw picturs, nw storis, nw gams and nw songs. hr class is always full of happy laughtr and mrry songs.ms jrry is such a good tachr that all of us lov and rspct hr.“我的外籍老师”英语作文译文:jrry老师是个外籍教师,来自新西兰,今年三十一岁。瘦高身材的她头发金黄,皮肤白皙,眼睛灰蓝。她看上去很温柔,事实上她也的确很温柔。jrry老师是一个好老师。尽管,每星期她只来我们学校两次,但她对工作负责,对学生要求很严。有一次她病了,但仍坚持给我们上课。当我们知道这个情况后,我们都听得比平时更仔细。jrry老师以极大的热情教我们英语。每节课她都会给我们带采新图片,新故事,新游戏和新歌曲。她的课堂上总是充满着愉快的笑声和欢乐的歌声。jrry老师是一个人人都爱戴和尊敬的好老师。
我们的外籍教师(Our Foreign Teacher)
更新时间:2025-01-30 05:19:43
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