第一次坐飞机(My First Flight)last summr, i wnt to visit my uncl by air. i had nvr takn a plan bfor. so i was on top of th world at th nws. i was too xcitd to fall aslp th prvious night. on th day of flight, th crw took m from my parnts to th sat in th plan.luckily my sat was nar th window. bfor th plan took off, i imagind how nic it would b in th sky. but bfor long i was so tird that i couldn't hlp slping. whn i wok up, th plan had just landd. isn't it intrsting?
第一次坐飞机(My First Flight)
更新时间:2025-02-18 21:40:04
第一次坐飞机(My First Flight) 相关文章
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