th nglish languag has now bcom an intrnational languag bcaus it is usd by popl of th most countris in th th opn tims if you want to do businss with forignrs, you hav to larn nglish, for most of thm spak and writ nglish. nglish is on of th working languags at intrnational mtings. today most of th valuabl books ar writtn in nglish. in ordr to improv your knowldg, you should b abl to rad nglish. only thos who rad nglish can bnfit from th rports of th mtings in th world and books writtn in nglish. nglish appars to b rgardd as th standard languag of man. if you know nglish you can undrstand popl from othr countris bttr and you can also do what you should do for th world pac.nglish is taught in most of th schools of our country, but many studnts don't know why thy should larn it. it is hopd that all th studnts should pay mor attntion to th study of nglish and mak good us of it.
我们为什么学英语(Why We Learn English)
更新时间:2025-01-18 15:58:18