on th way to a mountain in th dad of wintr, i droppd bhind th group i was travling with and got lost.to mak mattrs wors, it bgan to rain havily. th wind blw hard, and th blastd forst groand as if in pain. and so ovrcast was th sky that night cam svral hours arlir than usual. cold and frightnd, i was trmbling all ovr. all i could do was shout for hlp, but no hlp was forthcoming. th night bcam darkr, th wind blw hardr, and th rain pourd down mor havily. i at my last pic of food, a tiny pic of cak. totally dspaird, i was waiting not for miracl but for dath. suddnly, a thundrclap wok m up.a rainstorm was indd raging outsid, but i was gratful to find that i only had a nightmar.
描述你做过的梦(Describe a Dream You Had)
更新时间:2025-01-30 05:03:55
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