Hoehoes a particle.The quantum monest and most basic building blocks of reality and yet heres Bohr saying that only by looking,do e real the beginning,but are summoned into existence only ic particles really are entangled.It means they can subtly and instantaneously influence each other across space.
一对所谓的纠缠电子,每个电子都具有两种可能的状态。除非我测量它们,否则二者不分彼此,但却又能同时区分开来。(硬币/转盘)An entangled pair of electrons.Heres hoething done.They say you have to overe an energy barrier.
在量子世界中,质子无须达到能量阈值。它们能直接 穿越过去。隧穿效应直击量子世界的奇妙核心。量子既有能量阻断,也能从一个地方隧穿到别处。它们不像日常生活中所见到的实实在在的物体,比如球,它们以古怪的类波行为像外传播,让它们能穿透能量阈值。粒子能在能量阈值的一侧消失,而同时在另一侧出现。在核物理学中,这个现象已被证实。没有量子隧穿效应,连太阳也无法闪耀。
In the quantum one place to another even if it has to pass through an impenetrable barrier.They are not solid objects like balls in our everyday world.They have spread out,fuzzy,wavelike behavior that allows them to leak through an energy barrier.A particle can disappear on one side of the barrier and instantaneous reappear on the other.In nuclear physics,this effect is a proven fact.ic particles like protons do it all the time.
不确定性原理 The uncertainty principle
The exciton wave isnt just going this way or that way,its following all paths at the same time.
We cant never be certain where new discoveries will take us next.