为什么中国大量使用自行车-Why Are Bicycles So Commonl.

更新时间:2025-03-27 18:36:08 初中生作文

为什么中国大量使用自行车-Why Ar Bicycls So Commonl.

为什么中国大量使用自行车-Why Are Bicycles So Commonl.

Why Ar Bicycls So Commonly Usd in China

Bicycl is a convinint mans of transporation. It has bn vry popular in China. During th rush hours, particularly in big citis, you can oftn s a sa of bicycl ridrs in th strts. Popl can rid bicycls to thir working placs, to schools, to shopping cntrs and so on. In a word, bicycls play an important rol in daily lif.

Compard with cars, bicycls hav many advantags. Firstly, thy ar not so xpnsiv as cars and almost vry family can afford to buy and rpair thm. Scondly, riding bicycl is a halthy form of xrcis. Thy do good to our halth. Thirdly, bicycls can sav nrgy and dos not caus any pollution, whil cars will caus srious air pollution, which maks th air in our living plac vry dirty and maks a lot of popl suffr from lung cancr. As wall know, China is a country with a larg population. Ifach family has a car, a larg amount of nrgy would b wastd and air pollution would bcom mor and mor srious. Finally, most Chins popl don' t liv far away from whr thy work or study, it is convnint to rid bicycls. I think that is why bicycls ar usd so much.

Bicycls ar so popular in China that China is oftn rfrrd to as th kingdom of bicycls. I hop mor and mor popl can rid bicycls in ordr to mak our plant bttr and clanr.





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