An xciting Rac
Forty-two horss had takn up thir position on th starting lin for th gratst rac of th sason. Th cours was xtrmly difficult and fw horss wr xpctd to finish. All ys wr on th favourits, Collg Boy and Swt Svntn. Both horss had won a grat many racs in th past and thy had qual chancs of winning now.
Though th horss got off to a good start, it was not long bfor ovr half of thm wr out of th rac. As was xpctd, Collg Boy and Swt Svntn had got wll in front with th rmaining horss groupd togthr som way bhind. On a sharp cornr, thr of th horss lading th group fll, throwing th ridrs bhind into grat confusion (混乱). As th rac progrssd, th track bcam full of horss without ridrs. Towards th nd, thr wr only thr horss lft: Collg Boy and Swt Svntn wr still lading with an unknown hors, Tom Thum, a vry long way bhind. Th crowd was vry disappointd whn on th last jump in th rac. th ridrs of both favourit horss faild to kp th saddl (马鞍). vryon roard (呼喊) with dlight whn Collg Boy continud by himslf and“won”th rac----without his ridr! Tom Thum now took his tim and th crowd chrd and applaudd (鼓掌欢呼) as h crossd th finishing lin without a rival (竞争者,对手) in sight.
An xciting Rac L. G. Alxandr
As soon as th rac bgan, th favourits, Collg Boy and Swt Svntn, wnt ahad. On a dangrous bnd a fw ridrs wnt ovr and most of th horss following fll out of th rac. Towards th nd,thr wr only thr lft: th favourits and an unknown hors, Tom Thubm. Howvr, th ridrs of both favourits fll too, though Collg Boy continud by himslf and“won”. Sinc Tom Thumb was now on his own, h bcam th ral winnr. (80 words)
(选自L.G. Alxandr, A First Book in Comprhnsion, Prcis and Composition)