Journey to Australia,Journey to Australia范文

更新时间:2025-03-24 21:17:52 高中生作文

Journy to Australia 英语作文网整理收集 Journy to Australia

Journey to Australia,Journey to Australia范文

Australia is on of th famous Ocanian country. Th country is famous for its wool production and sashor tour. As th climat thr is warm and comfortabl, many popl spnd vocations thr vry yar. I’m a supr fan of watr ntrtainmnt, so I choos it as my dstination.

In Australia, th sky is blur than blu, th clouds ar whitr than whit, all th local popl njoy an optimistic and activ lif. Thy also show thir kindnss and nthusiasm to th tourists.

Th first stp should b Sydny Opra which is among th most brilliant and splndid architcturs in th world. Many world-class plays ar put on in it .Th surfac and shap of it is lik a sashll with glory dcorations insid.

Thn Mlbourn is a good choic to b as th nxt stp. In Mlbourn, skin scrn is a must to tak with as th sunshin is upst and may burn your skin. Th most attractiv thing to m is th Australia Opn, which is on of th biggst world-class tnnis comptition. Many grat playrs such as Roddick Fdrr and its local playr Hwitt tc. gathr to compt. It’s rally a fast for th ys.

Australia is also hom to on of th most challnging and xciting surfing and diving projcts. As w know, it is always calld “a country riding on th back of shp”. From th intrsting saying ,w can know somthing about th rich wool-production country. If you lov animals, kangaroos and kaolas ar good company to you.

So don’t forgt Australia whn you plan a trip.

Journy to Australia 英语作文网整理收集

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