盐是重要的(Salt Is Important)can w liv without salt? no, salt is vry important to us. w nd salt in out food. animals nd it, too.most of th salt in our country coms from th sa. whn th sun dris up th watr, popl can gt salt from th ground. th salt is whit, clan and bautiful.thr ar a lot of salt wlls in sichuan. a salt wll is much lik a watr wll. popl bring th wll watr up to th ground and thn dry it in big pans ovr a fir. in this way thy gt salt.in th north of our country, thr ar many salt laks. som of ths laks ar vry big. th salt in big laks can vn mt th nds of our popl for many yars.
盐是重要的(Salt Is Important)
更新时间:2025-01-18 14:41:41
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