全面记人:我们英语老师的画像-A Portrait of Our English.

更新时间:2025-02-05 22:22:19 高中生作文

全面记人:我们英语老师的画像-A Portrait of Our nglish Tachr

全面记人:我们英语老师的画像-A Portrait of Our English.








A Portrait of Our nglish Tachr

“H's always in a hurry”----that is what vrybody says of our nglish tachr, Mr. Hong. H givs importanc to fficincy① in vrything, so his lssons ar always arrangd full. W cannot afford to b absnt-mindd, othrwis, his flunt nglish will go by our ars. How disappointing it would b if w should fail to grasp his valuabl and maningful words!

Larning a forign languag may b unintrsting work, but it bcoms intrsting in Mr. Hong's classroom.

“Why?”you may ask. That is bcaus his lssons ar always full of humor and livlinss. H tlls us humorous storis and draws funny picturs on th blackboard. H is firmly against just having th studnts rcit th txts mchanically. H wants to improv our abilitis in listning, spaking, writing and rading. Th rsults ar imprssiv: Most of us hav passd th aural comprhnsion② xamination; w ar not afraid to stand in front of th class to mak a spch or talk in nglish; w can vn writ som compositions and rad SSP (Shanghai Studnts' Post ) without difficulty.

Mr. Hong is not only an xcllnt tachr, but also a hard larnr. H has broad knowldg, and has alrady writtn and translatd a thick pil of ssays and books, but h is not satisfid with his achivmnts. On th contrary, h is studying vn hardr than w studnts. H is intrstd in all kinds of nw things and liks to ask qustions.“xampl is bttr than prcpt③”, and w hav dcidd to larn from him his spirit.

Our progrss maks Mr. Hong happy, for h rgards us as his clos frinds. His smiling, xpcting ys show that h lovs us and wishs us to b usful citizns of our country.

Will his wishs b ralizd?

Plas wait, Mr. Hong. W'll giv you a satisfactory answr in th futur and w also wish you----our dar tachr vry succss in your work!


①fficincy [i'fiM+nsi] n.效率;功效

②aural comprhnsion ['&:r+l ?k&mpri'hnM+n] 听力理解

③prcpt ['pri:spt] n.教训;训诲 xampl is bttr than prcpt. 以身作则胜于口头训诲。


本文是一篇人物精神的动态写照。文章写了洪老师的四种精神:敬业精神、情趣精神、勤奋精神和为人精神。第一段开门见山写洪老师的工作作风,第一句引句中的话是主题句;第二段是过渡段;第三段写洪老师的教学风格,第二句中的“…his lssons ar always full of humor and livlinss.”是主题句;第四段写洪老师勤奋刻苦,第一句中的第二分句“…but also a hard larnr.”是主题句;第五段写洪老师的为人,“… h rgards us as his clos frinds.”是主题句;第六段又是一个过渡段,与第七段共同构成全文的结尾部分;第七段中的称谓变成第二人称,使结尾具有亲切感。


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