
更新时间:2025-03-17 06:26:27 高中生作文



I hav bn so busy with study sinc I bcam a high school studnt that I hardly hav any opportunity to go to th movis. Indd, movis hav casd to intrst m. Last night, howvr, an ida cam to m that prhaps going to a movi would hlp rlax my tns mind. So I wnt. It was a vry funny comdy. Most of th audinc, including myslf, didn't stop laughing from th bginning to th nd. Th pictur rally rlaxd m. I was abl to study mor ffctivly. Th movi gav m on xtra lsson: play is as important as work.


I wnt to a movi last night, and it was an unplasant xprinc. A lot of popl had arrivd bfor m, so I couldn't vn gt a tickt. Fortunatly, whn th movi was about to bgin, I mt a frind who happnd to hav two tickts. A frind of hrs was supposd to s th movi with hr; but as hr frind did not show up, sh lt m hav on of th tickts. Whn w ntrd th thatr, th movi had alrady bgun for a fw minuts. And as bad luck would hav it, no soonr had w sttld into our chairs than th movi stoppd. Th audinc shoutd and bood, but thr was still no movi. I was vry angry and my frind was upst too. W wr in no mood to wait, so w lft. Aftr saying goodby to my frind, I took a bus hom. What a trribl Saturday night!

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