在门口等候(Waiting at the Door)

更新时间:2025-01-18 17:06:21 高中生作文

my grandmothr bcam a widow in 1970. shortly aftr that, w wnt to th animal shltr to pick out a puppy to kp hr company. grandma dcidd on a littl trrir that had a rddish-brown spot abov ach y. bcaus of ths spots, th dog was promptly namd pnny.grandma and pnny quickly bcam vry attachd to ach othr, but that attachmnt grw much strongr about thr yars latr whn grandma had a strok. grandma could no longr work, so whn sh cam hom from th hospital, sh and pnny wr constant companions.aftr hr strok, it bcam a ral problm for grandma to lt pnny in and out bcaus th door was at th bottom of a flight of stairs. so a mchanism using a rop and pully was installd from th back door to a handl at th top of th stairs. grandma just had to pull th handl to opn and clos th door. if th stor was out of pnny's favorit dog food, grandma would mak on of us cook pnny brownd bf with dicd potatos in it. i can rmmbr tasing my grandmothr that sh lovd that dog bttr than sh lovd hr family.as th yars passd, grandma and pnny bcam insparabl. grandma's old hous could b filld to th brim with popl, but if grandma wnt to tak hr nap, pnny walkd along bsid hr and stayd by hr sid until sh awok. as pnny agd, sh could no longr jump up on th bd to lay nxt to grandma, so sh laid on th rug bsid th bd. if grandma wnt into th bathroom, pnny would hobbl along bsid hr, wait outsid th door and accompany hr back to th bd or chair. grandma nvr wnt anywhr without hr faithful companion by hr sid.th tim cam whn both my grandmothr and pnny's halth wr failing fast. pnny couldn't gt around vry wll, and grandma had bn hospitalizd svral tims. my uncl and i livd with grandma, so pnny was nvr lft alon, vn whn grandma was in th hospital. during ths tims, pnny sat at th window looking out for th car bringing grandma hom and would xcitdly wait at th door whn grandma cam through it. ach homcoming was a grand runion btwn th two.on christmas day in 1985, grandma was again takn to th hospital. pnny, as usual, sat watching out th window for th car bringing grandma hom. two mornings latr whn th dog wok up, sh couldn't sm to work out th stiffnss in hr hips as sh usually did. th sam morning, sh bgan having sizurs. at ag fiftn, w knw it was tim. my mothr and aunt took hr to th vtrinarian and stayd with hr until th nd.now th big dilmma was whthr to tll grandma whil sh was still in th hospital or wait. th dcision was mad to tll hr whil sh was in th hospital bcaus whn w pulld up at th hous, th first thing grandma would look for was hr blovd pnny watching out th window and thn happily grting hr at th door. grandma shd som tars but said sh knw that it had to b don so pnny wouldn't suffr.that night whil still in th hospital, grandma had a massiv hart attack. th doctors frantically workd on hr but could not rviv hr. aftr fiftn yars of loving companionship, grandma and pnny passd away within a fw hours of ach othr. god had it all workd out – pnny was waiting at door whn grandma cam hom.

在门口等候(Waiting at the Door)

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