特殊的家长会(A spcial parnts mting)Last Saturday, w had a spcial parnts mting in our classroom. It was diffrnt from prvious ons.At 8:00, th mting bgan, thr wr two dirctors---Wng Xiaoyu and Yan Zhiqiang. Firstly, w listnd to th studnts voic in thir mind: many of thm xprssd thir thanks and dp lov to th parnts;Som of thm said thy would try thir bst to b th good childrn, but thy hopd thir parnts would undrstand thm and not to b too strict with thm;Som of thm hopd that thir parnts would lav som tim for thm to dal with&hllip;&hllip;Thn w listnd to th parnts voic.At last, w showd ourslvs, w prformd a lot of programs, lik singing, dancing, tlling nglish storis tc.Th mting built a bridg btwn our studnts and parnts. It mad us undrstand our parnts mor!
特殊的家长会(A special parents’ meeting)
更新时间:2025-01-28 01:03:32
特殊的家长会(A special parents’ meeting) 相关文章
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