Knowledge Is Power

更新时间:2025-01-19 08:06:06 写人

Rcntly thr has bn a discussion rgarding th issu of knowl-dg in th nwspapr. As can b

Knowledge Is Power

sn from th pictur, knowldg is symbolizd by a clnchd fist as powr. Th fist snds out mssag for obdinc, thratning to crack with powr any hard nut. Th mor dmanding and challnging a task is, th mor powrful th fist sms to grow. Similarly, knowldg, th strongst powr for human

bings, fds up th fild of scinc and tchnology. Th mor ad-vancd and dvlopd a fild is, th mor profound knowldg sms to bcom.

A spcific xampl is th dunaping of Mir, Russias spac station. As is th cas of th Russian spac program, th country could no longr afford to kp Mir aloft in orbit bcaus of lack Of financialsupport. Thrfor, Russia dcidd to dump th spac station. Th ffct is both immdiat and farraching. As far as th prsnt is concrnd, th succssful launching and dumping of IVrLr has provd to th world that mankind, armd with profca. md knowldg, cannot just build things but can oprat thm wlt. Forth distant impact, th onc- in- a- liftim succss of/VFtr provids man with valuabl and indispnsabl xprinc for mannd spac flight in th yars to cran. Thn, somday in th furor, thm might appar in spac mor Mirs, visiting Mars, sprading frindship, parading th prfct mastry of knowldg.

标签: 太阳 月亮
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