拔苗助长(To Pull up the Seedlings to Help Them Grow)

更新时间:2025-02-18 10:52:39 高中生作文

onc upon a tim, an old farmr plantd a plot of ric. vryday h wnt to th fild to watch th sdlings grow. h saw th young shoots brak through th soil and grow tallr ach day. but still, h thought thy wr growing too slowly. h got impatint with th young plants. "how could th plants grow fastr?" h tossd in bd during th night and could not slp. suddnly h hit upon an ida.h had an ida not wait for daybrak. h jumpd out of th bd and dashd to th fild. by th moonlight, h bgan working on th ric sdlings. on by on, h pulld up th young plants by half an inch. whn h finishd pulling, it was alrady morning. straightning his back, h said to himslf, "what a wondrful ida! look, how much tallr th plants hav grown on night!" with grat satisfaction, h wnt back hom. h told his son what h had don in a triumphant ton. his son was shockd. now th sun had risn. th young man was hart-brokn to s all th pulld-up young plants dying.popl now us " ba miao zhu zhang" to dscrib th bhavior of thos who ar too agr to gt somthing don only to mak it wors. th idiom is a bit lik th nglish provrb "hast maks wast" ------to spoil things by xcssiv nthusiasm.

拔苗助长(To Pull up the Seedlings to Help Them Grow)

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