
更新时间:2025-03-13 22:41:38 高中生作文

Frdom in my Dram


高二(9)班 姚瑶 As th whol world has its boundaris, limits and frdom coxist in our lif. I don’t xpct complt frdom, which is impossibl. I simply hav a dram that supports my lif.

I dram that on day, I could scap from th dp sa of thick schoolbooks and lad my own lif. With my favorit fictions, I li frly on th grn grass, smlling th spring, listning to th wind singing, brathing th frsh and cool air and dissolv my soul in natur at last. Simpl and short njoymnt can bring m grat satisfaction.

I dram that on day th adults could throw thir prjudic of comic and cartoon away. Thy could kp a lovly hart that can shar sorrow and happinss with us whil watching cartoon or doing prsonal things. That’s th ral communication of hart to hart.

I hav th blif that my drams should com tru. I am looking forward to som day coming whn I am lik a proud agl, which flis to th blu and vast sky.

冯珍妮指导 2. Journy to Australia

高二(6) 周 越 Australia is on of th famous Ocanian country. Th country is famous for its wool production and sashor tour. As th climat thr is warm and comfortabl, many popl spnd vocations thr vry yar. I’m a supr fan of watr ntrtainmnt, so I choos it as my dstination.

In Australia, th sky is blur than blu, th clouds ar whitr than whit, all th local popl njoy an optimistic and activ lif. Thy also show thir kindnss and nthusiasm to th tourists.

Th first stp should b Sydny Opra which is among th most brilliant and splndid architcturs in th world. Many world-class plays ar put on in it .Th surfac and shap of it is lik a sashll with glory dcorations insid.

Thn Mlbourn is a good choic to b as th nxt stp. In Mlbourn, skin scrn is a must to tak with as th sunshin is upst and may burn your skin. Th most attractiv thing to m is th Australia Opn, which is on of th biggst world-class tnnis comptition. Many grat playrs such as Roddick Fdrr and its local playr Hwitt tc. gathr to compt. It’s rally a fast for th ys.

Australia is also hom to on of th most challnging and xciting surfing and diving projcts. As w know, it is always calld “a country riding on th back of shp”. From th intrsting saying ,w can know somthing about th rich wool-production country. If you lov animals, kangaroos and kaolas ar good company to you .

So don’t forgt Australia whn you plan a trip.

指导老师:刘应清 3.

Idntifying Chips

高二(3)李 滢 No biggr than a grain of ric and mbddd bnath a prson’s skin, th computr idntifying chips will b th futur ID card somday.

ID cards ar asy to countrfit whil th chips ar xtrmly hard to rmov or fak. In addition, th chip has no powr supply; rathr, it has a millimtr-long magntic coil that is activatd whn a scanning dvic is running across th skin abov it. A tiny transmittr on th chip snds out th data. But without th scanning dvic th chip can’t b rad. By limiting th us of scannrs can popl control what th tchnology is usd for. airports, nuclar plants and othr high-scurity facilitis to avoid th problm of nglignc on th part of scurity guards. Othr uss includ satllit tracking of an individual’s nrgy movmnt to th storag data such as mdical rcords. So it’s good nws for thos who ar afraid of bing kidnappd, rquiring paramdical srvics or suffring from srious allrgis. Bsids, with chips which can b implantd into animals bing mad, ownrs can find th lost pts with as.

Hav you lost your ID card? No, it’s still in your body.


4. A busy month

二班 严 扬

It’s in April now. This mouth may b th busist on during half of my high school lif. Thr ar som arrangmnts for th month blow:

April.2nd Th Composition Contst for Chucai Cup

April.9th Biology

April.17th Hop Cup

April.26th & 27th th Mid trm xaminations

During th whol month finish a plan for th comptition of class mtings

Bsids ths, I also hav to swim in th sa of homwork, and I’m not willing to giv up any prcious tim for slping at th sam tim. So I flt that days has suddnly bcam short. Complaints cam almost vry day at first, but now I got usd to this kind of lifstyl. Mayb busy lif is suitabl for m.

Whn I got up in th morning, I startd thinking about th things I had to finish. Thn I would b afraid of wasting a scond so I should finish th plans on b on. At last, I would fl tird. Slping is mor important than th unfinishd things. I wnt to bd and slpt soundly soon. All day I only do two things-working and rsting, thus I hav no tim to go off into wild flights of fancy. “Nvr troubl troubls until troubl troubls you!” Now I think that I hav no tim to troubl troubls xcpt som difficultis of my wok troubl m!

In anothr way, mayb a busy lif can prov that I hav abilitis to do lots of things in many filds. Plas don’t laugh at m. Whn fling tird, this thought can always

Mayb schoolmats in Grad 3 will look down upon ths busy xprincs of min. But during th busir livs of yours, you can rmind yourslvs lik m that nvr troubl troubls.

指导老师:余志武 5. Travl to th forst

高二(6)王 聪 Hav you vr bn fd up with th boring lif in th city? Should you b tird of th crowdd roads and ndlss noiss, you might want to hav a glimps of th primary forst with m.

As soon as you opn th mystrious door of th forst, you may ask,“ Hav I ntrd th palac or th paradis?” Th brath-taking scnry maks you forgt vrything but xploring what th forst has to offr. With tns of thousands of trs surrounding you, straight or winding, tall or short , you fl lik floating on th ocan of grn.共15页,当前第1页123456789101112131415

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