
更新时间:2025-03-14 04:22:41 高中生作文

Th Tibtan Minority



As it is known to us all, thr ar 55 minority groups in China, ach with its traditional customs, costums and cultur. Now lt’s tak a look at th Tibtan Minority.

Th Tibtan Minority group liv in Qinghai, Gansu, Sichuan and Yunnan Provinc. And th highst ridg in th world─bautiful and mystrious Tibt is thir major habitat .

As th frtilizd prairi strtchs around th habitants as far as th ys can s, most popl liv on animal husbandry, raising shp, goats, cattl and growing a spcial kind of plant calld Qingk. On account of th uniqu climat, popl oftn war warm and comfortabl boots in wintr, and thy ar always drssd in dlicat robs which ar mad of th fur of shp. Oftn thy tak off on slv of th cloths and ti it around thir waists in ordr to work asily and us it as warm quilts at night.

Both mn and womn thr lik waring silvr ornamnts, which look vry mystrious and full of magical powr. And thy ar good at singing and dancing, and th mn thr can hav braids too. Whn thy mt an important gust, thy will prsnt him or hr a Hada, a pic of long whit silk cloth to show thir rspct. And thy will also trat th gust to a spcial kind of drink calld Suyou Ta, which som popl find hard to njoy.

Bsids, th habitants hav dvlopd both thir own writtn and spokn languags, and th long poms thy wrot play an important rol in Chins litratur. And thr ar many wll-protctd cultur rlics as wll, taking th grand Budala Palac as an xampl. It is a historical musum as wll as an art trasury, whr popl can shar thir spirit blif in Buddhism and gt artistic ntrtainmnt of th carvd paintings and th bautifully-writtn chirographis.

Th Tibtan thnic group is also famous for its strang custom in funral. Thinking that th soul blongs to th sky aftr a prson dis, thy usually put th body on a platform outdoors, spray on it and wait th condors to com to at th body. In this way, thy bliv th soul gos up to th sky.

Th Tibtan Minority is brimming ovr with dp motions. Th popl thr ar vry zalous and hospitabl and thy liv frly and happily on th spacious grassland. Thir history and cultur contribut to th divrsity of China, so w crtainly should protct thm and gt thm popularizd and lt thm rciv grat rspct thy dsrv.


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