Tasting of rading in nglishI oftn rad wstrn novls, and of cours it has alrady bn translatd into Chins. I didnt think thr wr a lot diffrncs btwn nglish novls and Chins novls. But during this wintr holiday I rad som novls in nglish and I found thm vry intrsting. Why did not I find that bfor? As I did not want to spnd a lot tim in studying----- I always thought rading in nglish is a kind of studying ----- whn I want to rad som novls from ngland I would prfr to rad th ons translatd into Chins. As w all know, translating can nvr b prfct, it would bring som mistaks and th translators own flings. So whn I rad a novl in nglish, I found it was trrific and I could clarly know th diffrnc btwn th two writing skills.共15页,当前第9页123456789101112131415As to most of th nglish novls, thy prfr to tll th rsult first. vn in som paragraphs that dscrib th scn, thy would us th skill. This situation would nvr b mt in rading Chins novls. W Chins lik to mak attractiv plot: aftr th radrs hav bn brought into th story th writr would say If you want to know what will happn in th nd rad th nxt chaptr plas.Whn w rad th novls in nglish, w would b tird of th scn dscribing. Thr is a grat numbr of scn dscribing in nglish novls. Thy us this skill to mak th radrs know how th charactrs fl at th momnt. Thy prfr to dscrib th situation using spcial grammar and combind words. It dos not go with th languag usag and it is difficult for translators to translat it into Chins without losing th flings which th writr wantd us to know. For xampl, in th book Jan yr thr wr a grat many situations tlling how Jan flt at tim. It can b flt asily whn w rad th book in nglish but it was trribl whn w rad th Chins dition. It was not only long but also can tll nothing to us about th charactrs fling. That was bcaus of th diffrnt languag customs. Th translators can only translat th words and thy cannot translat th spcial grammar and th combination of th sntncs. For xampl, thr is an nglish sntnc I har th laughtr, I tast th tar. Whn w rad th sntnc w could hav a strong fling about what th writr wantd to tll us but non of us could translat it into Chins without losing th fling.This tim whn I rad novls in nglish I found it was not so trribl to rad th long dscribing. Th novls did not chang but I did. And I find no mattr how clar I knw th novls whn I rad it in Chins th nxt tim whn I rad nglish it will b a diffrnt fling.On languag is diffrnt from anothr. Th rsult of this is that w hav so bautiful a world.
Tasting of reading in English
更新时间:2025-02-18 21:24:29
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