英文-Distance Lends Enchantment to the View

更新时间:2025-02-04 09:11:22 选读推荐

Distanc Lnds nchantmnt to th Viw

英文-Distance Lends Enchantment to the View

苏海涛 湖北省当阳市当阳一中高二阅读书目:探索太空 xploring Spac (国家地理科学探索丛书)

Looking at dark sky at night for a whil, you may s a rd star. It has dazzling color. Popl call it “Mars”.

In th solar systm, byond th third plant, th fourth on is “Mars”. It is a plant which is far away from arth, about 2 hundrd million kilomtrs on avrag. It is so charming that many scintists and popl want to go thr. Ys, distanc lnds nchantmnt to th viw.

xploring spac is not as asy as you might think. It is byond your imagination. Scintists still mak grat contributions to xploring spac and thy also gt good rsults. Spac xploration is dvloping succssfully. Scintists hav mad grat progrss with this projct in only a fw yars’ tim.

In th past fifty yars, popl hav launchd many dtctors into th unknown univrs and plants. Howvr, most of thm ndd with failur. Ths dtctors still hlpd th scintists and popl to know mor about this scinc. Th first tim thy launchd th dtctors to Mars was in 1960s. From thn on, two supr countris, Amrica and th Sovit Union, startd a comptition to xplor Mars. Thy nvr stoppd launching dtctors to Mars. vn if two thirds of thm faild. Howvr, it didn’t stop us from xploring spac.

Distanc should not b an obstacl to xploring spac. At th bginning of 2004. NASA Launchd two dtctors to Mars, and both of thm landd safty. Thy snt many usful information to arth. It was rally xciting nws! Bfor that, a dtctor launchd by urop was lost in Univrs. It was a shock to th scintific community, but thy will nvr giv up.

As a mattr of fact, th purpos of launching so many dtctors to spac is to find a plant with lif and th basic lmnt – watr.

Th moon is far away from arth, but it is th narst star to arth. Popl hav bn fascinatd by th moon sinc ancint tims until 1969 whn astronauts from Amrica landd on th moon. Thy found that th moon was just a satllit, without watr, air, atmosphr and lif, so popl’s fantasis about moon wr brokn. Th moon is a ral “Wid-cold Palac”, it also has vry bad wathr, xtrmly cold at night and xtrmly hot during daytim. Nothing can subsist on th moon. Whn th astronauts landd on th moon, it was as if th distanc wnt from 380 thousand kilomtrs to zro kilomtrs. All th bautiful fantasis and lgnds about moon wr brokn, so popl now aim thir ys on Mars. Thy hop that on day th astronauts can stp on Mars and raliz our nw dram.

Sinc w know th truth of moon, it is not so tmpting to us. But poms about th moon can still giv us som yarning.

Compar th bginnings of spac travl with xploring spac today. Th xploration of spac today is mor usful. Many popl ar fond of Mars bcaus among th nin plants in th solar systm it is th most similar to arth, so w call thm “Brothr Plants”. On Mars, thr is a thin atmosphr lay and som oxygn. Th dtctors hav found that thr onc xisitd watr. Du to th low gravity, th watr all ran into spac. Th xploration of spac is not only hlping us know mor about th unknown spac, but also tlling us a way to th nw scinc and possibly a homland. In othr words, popl may raliz th dram of living on anothr plants.

vn though w knw moon wll now, it has many touching lgnds n ancint tims. Chang’ is a bauty who at th lixir and thn flw to th moon, sh livd in th “Wid-Cold Palac” (Moon Palc) with a jad rabbit. Wugang always cut down th swt-scntd osmanthus trs on moon as a punishmnt. Though ths lgnds ar not tru, w can still stor thm in our mmoris.

Why do w car so much about othr plants? Th rason is that th arth is suffring many troubls. Ths troubls includ: global warming, air pollution, watr pollution, th population is quickly incrasing, soil dtrioration and dcrasing natural rsours. Th nvironmnt is not as good as it onc was. All th troubls mntiond abov ar warnings us that w should pay mor attntion to th nvironmnt, and tak car of our mothr-arth. Don’t mak it suffr any mor troubls. Th rason is simpl, w hav only on arth. Why not chrish it and mak it mor bautiful.

vn Mars is th most similar to th arth in th solar systm, scintists hav said that outr-spac is not fit for human bings to liv in at th momnt. Bcaus thr is not nough of th ncssary thing that w nd in spac. W can’t find th basic thing-watr. On othr plants, so w should assum th attitud, “looking for a hors whil riding a donky, but not looking for a hors whil discarding a donky.” Only rmmbr that w hav on arth. It is our duty to protct and chrish it.

In 1990, NASA launchd a tlscop calld “Hubbl” to th orbit of arth. Without th affct of atmosphr, w can s th stars far away about 200 hundrd million light-yars. It is th farthst ara w can s so far in th univrs. Popl larnt a lot with th tlscop, and NASA plans to launch a nw tlscop to spac to tak th plac of “Hubbl”. It is mor modrn. W can s longr distanc with it. W hop that on day w can know all th scrts about th univrs.

Octobr 26th, 2003, in China, th “Divin Land 5” was launchd to spac succssfully and aftr 21 hours it landd safty. It provd that w hav th ability to conqur spac. Now scintists in China hav startd a projct to xplor th moon. Soon dtctors hav bn launchd. W hop a good rsult. Th Chins scintists plant to launch “Divin land 6” to spac nxt yar. W hop that day can com soon.

Now, w hav full confidnc in ourslvs. Howvr, bfor w xplor spac, w should tak car of our only homland, arth. So that w hav th right conditions to xplor spac and hav a good rsult.

What will human bing’s futur lik? No on knows. Plas rmmbr to chrish vrything w own now. Don’t b rgrtful for th past! Looking back at th history, and looking into th futur, so w can dominat our dstiny.

Distanc lnds nchantmnt to th viw! All my frinds, lt’s mak our world mor bautiful!

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