向你的朋友讲述你的一次旅行经历 收件人:mik_qq@sohu.com
主题:visit th farm
Dar mik:I hav not s you for a long tim.Plas lt m tll you a thing.
Today,w vistd a farm.arly in th morning w mt at th school gat and wnt thr togthr.Th farm workrs gav us a warm wlcom.Thn th had of th farm showd us around.How glad w wr to s th cross and vgtabls growing wll!At noon w had a picnic lunch in th sunshin.Aftr a short rst,w had grat fun singing and dancing.but,th tim passd quickly.Bfor w knw it,w had to say goodby to th workrs.
Bst wishs for you!