感激之情:寄语挚友-To My Bosom Friend

更新时间:2025-02-18 07:55:37 高中生作文


感激之情:寄语挚友-To My Bosom Friend




To My Bosom Frind

I was sad whn you told m that you would go abroad. I'm going to los a bosom frind①.

Whn popl say that I spak nglish fluntly, I know, I ow th prais to you.

Do you rmmbr that nglish class, whn w wr larning th txt Th Ncklac? Th tachr askd m to act Mathild and you to act Jann. I was so nrvous that my voic trmbld, but you spok so naturally and nicly. How I admird you! Aftr class, you said to m:“Don't b afraid, and don't b shy. If you lik nglish you must opn your mouth.”I was dply touchd by ths words.

Sinc thn w spok nglish whnvr w mt ach othr trying our bst to xprss ourslvs in nglish.

I'll nvr forgt th Sunday whn w saw th Amrican film Turning Point. Though th actors and th actrsss spok vry fast and I coudn't catch vry word of th story, I got th main ida. Thn w talkd about th film for almost th whol day. It was, morovr, my turning point. From thn on, I bgan to watch nglish on Sunday, to listn to Radio Bijing and bgan to pay mor attntion to nglish programs. W ar both fond of Amrican pop songs②. Somtims w go to th movis, somtims w go to th nglish Cornr at th Popl's Park to practis our oral nglish.

Now, you ar laving m, but I'll nvr forgt th happy days w hav spnt togthr. I'll nvr forgt you. I hop you won't forgt m and othr classmats of yours. Abov all, I hop you won't forgt our mothrland whr you wr born, and hav bn living. I hop you will study and work hard to achiv grat achivmnts and thn to rndr ③ srvic to rpay ④ our country.


①bosom ['buz+m] frind 知心朋友

②pop song 流行歌曲

③rndr ['rnd+] v.给予;提供

④rpay [ri:'pi] v. 偿还;报答



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