清扫垃圾-Clar Away th Rubbish我们家住的楼前总是有一堆垃圾,天长日久都发出了恶臭。人们经过时都得捂着鼻子。有一次课堂上,老师给我们讲了雷锋叔叔助人为乐的故事,我被深深地感动了。于是我放学回家后就开始清扫那堆垃圾。现在我的邻居们就不必捂着鼻子进家门了,苍蝇蚊子没有了“家”也就逃之天天了。
Clar Away th Rubbish
Thr is always a pil of smlly rubbish in front of th building w liv. vryon has to covr his nos with his hand whil h passs by. On day, our tachr told us in class som good dds don by Uncl Li Fng. I was movd dply by that. So aftr school, I startd to clar th rubbish away. Now my nighbors don't hav to covr thir noss.