抒情散文:乡间散步-A Walk in the Country,抒情散文:乡间散步-A

更新时间:2025-01-30 17:00:13 高中生作文

抒情散文:乡间散步-A Walk in th Country 英语作文网整理 乡间散步

抒情散文:乡间散步-A Walk in the Country,抒情散文:乡间散步-A




A Walk in th Country

It was an arly summr aftrnoon. Th sun was shining brightly and warmly. vrything on th campus lookd as if it had bn slping for yars. Aftr school my roommats and I dcidd to tak a walk along th rivr nar our school, instad of staying with our “Mr. Formula”① and “Mrs. Thorm”② in th classroom.

A frsh brz③ playd with our hair. In th blu sky, clouds wr drifting④ hr and thr. W told ach othr storis and joks. Songs and laughtr could b hard now and thn. It smd that th world blongd to us and th arth was full of joys.

W walkd and walkd. Bfor w knw it, it was narly nightfall⑤ and all glowd rd in th vning sunlight. Standing on th narrow country road, w flt a bit tird, thirsty and hungry.

“Look, what is it?” on of us said, pointing to somthing rd growing by th sid of th road. It was a plant, baring som fruit, which lookd so inviting⑥ that w all agr to tast it. I pickd on. To my happy surpris, it was a bit swt. vryon of us pickd a lot. Whil ating th littl rd fruit, w talkd of th wondrful tim w had that aftrnoon. Thn a country woman cam. Whn sh saw us ating th wild fruit sh lt out a cry of surpris. Sh told us it was usd to poison snaks. That mant, w thought with horror, that w wr in dangr.Th story that som poison for mic lft in th kitchn killd a lovly baby cam to my mind. Th mor w talkd, th mor w wr frightnd. All of a suddn somon mntiond th word “dath”. W lookd at ach othr not knowing what to do.

Thinking of th coming dath I flt th world was so dar that I was quit unwilling to lav hr and tim was so prcious that I had no right to wast it.

“I should hav valud my lif. How I lov lif!” I thought, “If I am still living tomorrow morning, it will b my scond lif. I will not wast tim any longr.”

As soon as w wr back at school w showd th rd fruit to our biology tachr. Sh told us with a smil, “That is wild strawbrry⑦. It is not poisonous.

As th bll rang announcing it was tim for slf study, w had to ntr th classroom without suppr. Though I was hungry, I should wast no tim, and I workd hardr than vr. How valuabl lif is! How prcious tim is!



①formula ['f&:mjul ] n.公式,方程式

②thorm ['Ii r m] n.定理;原理

③brz [bri:z] n.微风

④drift [drift] v.漂流;游荡

⑤nightfall ['naitf&:l] n.黄昏

⑥inviting [in'vaitiR] a.吸引人的;诱人的

⑦strawbrry ['str&:b ri] n.草毒



1)第一、二段主要是环境描写和天象描写,这二者的对比,衬托出了校园环境的沉闷,用“Mr. Formula”和“Mrs. Thorm”拟人手法来抒发不满的情绪;同时,也衬托出外面世界的美好,用“hr and thr”和“now and thn”等传神地表达出舒畅的心情。




抒情散文:乡间散步-A Walk in th Country 英语作文网整理

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