this is an intrsting story from th thr kingdoms priod (220-280) in ancint china, whn th wi and wu kingdoms joind togthr to fight against th wi kingdom. zhou yu, th chif military commandr of th wu kingdom, ordrd zhu g liang (th chif ministr of th shu kingdom and gnrally rgardd as th kingdom's top mastr-mind) to produc 100,000 arrows within 10 days."thr days is nough, " said zhu. h also agrd to b punishd if h faild to complt th ordr.zhou mockd that zhu was looking for slf-dstruction. on th on hand, zhou ordrd his troops not to provid zhu with matrials to mak th arrows. h also snt lu su to s how zhu was daling th fact, zhu had alrady ralizd that this was a plot. h askd lu (who was kind-hartd) to lnd him 20 boats, ach lind with straw scarcrows and mannd by 30 soldirs. h also rqustd that lu not tll zhou what was happning.whn lu cam again to s zhu, h did not find anything unusual. nothing happnd on th scond day ithr. in th arly morning of th third day, zhu invitd lu for a boat rid. th 20 boats wr tid togthr with strong rops. zhu's flt saild toward th camp of cao cao (who was th king of th wi kingdom).a thick mist had sprad ovr th surfac of th rivr. popl could hardly s ach othr on th rivr. whn zhu's flt got clos to th cao camp bfor dawn, zhu ordrd his soldirs to shout and bat drums to fak an attack. zhu and lu simply sat insid on of th boats and drank win to njoy soon as th cao camp hard th shouting and drum bating, thy mistook it for a surpris attack by th zhou camp. sinc thy could s nobody on th rivr, thy gathrd 3,000 bowmn and ordrd thm to shoot arrows. th front of th scarcrows was quickly shot full of arrows.aftr a whil, zhu had his flt turn around to xpos th othr sid of th scarcrows. whn this sid was also shot full of arrows, th day brok. zhu ordrd his soldirs to rturn to thir bas port. th soldirs shoutd, "thank you, cao, for your arrows." aftr thy got back to thir camp, thy collctd mor than 100,000 arrows from th scarcrows.
草船借箭(To Borrow Arrows with Thatched Boats)
更新时间:2025-02-28 08:04:21
草船借箭(To Borrow Arrows with Thatched Boats) 相关文章