迎奥运、讲文明、树新风1、考题示例(1)为迎接奥运会在中国举行,请写一篇关于讲究文明礼仪的倡议书,具体内容包括:1、讲究文明礼貌是中华民族的传统;2、面对外国友人应热情大方、彬彬有礼;3、要坚决杜绝公共场所大声喧哗、拥挤打闹、随地吐痰等不文明行为;4、奥运即将召开,我们将代表中国形象。参考词汇:喧哗 uproar例文:My dear fellow students, The Olympics are just around the corner. Today I want to talk about good manners and courtesy. We Chinese have always been respected and highly praised for good manners and courtesy, which have, as well, become precious traditions of our people. In a couple of weeks beyond, a large number of foreign friends will come to China to join us in enjoying the Olympics. Before foreign guests, we should have an easy manner and behave politely and warm-heartedly. In public places, such ugly behaviors as uproar, pushing or squeezing together, spitting and so on should be determinedly forbidden. In a sense, each of us will not simply stand for ourselves but stand for China. Therefore, boys and girls, let’s do it well right now and the eyes of the world are to on us!
运同题大PK 10
更新时间:2025-01-30 16:14:08
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