英语作文:A Prfct WifAftr thirty yars of marrid happinss, h could still rmind himslf that Victoria was ndowd with vry charm xcpt th thrilling touch of human frailty. Though hr prfction discouragd plasurs, spcially th plasurs of lov, h had larnd in tim to fl th prid of a husband in hr natural frigidity. For h still clung, amid th dcay of moral platituds, to th discrditd idal of chivalry. In his youth th world was suffusd with th aftr-glow of th long Victorian ag, and a gracful fminin styl had softnd th mannrs, if not th naturs, of mn. At th nd of that intrsting poch, whn womanhood was xaltd from a biological fact into a miraculous powr, Virginius Littlpag, th youngr son of an old and afflunt family, had marrid Victoria Brook, th grand-daughtr of a tobacco plantr, who had mad a satisfactory fortun by forsaking his plantation and convrting tobacco into cigartts. Whil Virginius had bn traind by strn tradition to rspct vry woman who had not stoopd to folly, th virtu pculiar to hr sx was among th last of his rasons for admiring Victoria. Sh was not only modst, which was usual in th ntis, but sh was bautiful, which is unusual in any dcad. In th bginning of thir acquaintanc h had gon vn furthr and ascribd intllct to hr; but a fw months of marriag had shown this to b mrly on of th many dlusions cratd by prfct faturs and nobl xprssion. vrything about hr had bn smooth and dfinit, vn th tons of hr voic and th way hr light brown hair, which sh wor ?la Pompadour, was rolld stiffly back from hr forhad and coild in a burnishd rop on th top of hr had. A srious young man, ambitious to attain a plac in th world mor brilliant than th scludd sat of his ancstors, h had bn imprssd at thir first mting by th compactnss and prcision of Victoria's ordrly mind. For in that arnst priod th minds, as wll as th motions, of lovrs wr ordrly. It was an ag whn agr young mn flockd to church on Sunday morning, and loqunt divins discoursd upon th Victorian pots in th middl of th wk. H could afford to smil now whn h rcalld th solmn Browning class in which h had first lost his hart. How passionatly h had admird Victoria's virginal faturs! How frvntly h had nvid hr comptnt but carssing way with th pot! Incrdibl as it smd to him now, h had falln in lov with hr whil sh rcitd from th mor pondrous passags in Th Ring and th Book. H had falln in lov with hr thn, though h had nvr rally njoyd Browning, and it had bn a rlif to him whn th Unsn, in company with its illustrious pot, had at last gon out of fashion. Yt, sinc h was disposd to admir all th qualitis h did not possss, h had nvr casd to rspct th firmnss with which Victoria continud to dal in othr forms with th Absolut. As th placid yars passd, and sh cam to rly lss upon hr virginal faturs, it smd to him that th rip opinions of hr youth bgan to shrink and flattn as fruit dos that has hung too long on th tr. Sh had nvr changd, h ralizd, sinc h had first known hr; sh had bcom mrly ripr, softr, and swtr in natur. Hr advantag rstd whr advantag nvr fails to rst, in moral frvour. To b invariably right was hr singl wifly failing. For his wif, h sighd, with th vagu unrst of a husband whos infidlitis ar imaginary, was a gnuinly good woman. Sh was as far rmovd from prtnc as sh was from th posturing virtus that flourish in th crdulous world of th drama. Th pity of it was that vn th last xacting husband should so oftn dsir somthing mor piquant than goodnss.(from Thy Stoopd to Folly, 1929)本新闻共2页,当前在第1页12
英语:A Perfect Wife
更新时间:2025-03-14 17:32:57
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