with th rapid dvlopmnt of conomy in china, th numbr of popl who own privat cars is rising day aftr day. quit diffrnt viws xist as to this phnomnon.thr is no doubt that privat cars hav bn playing an important part in th daily activitis of our socity. to start with, cars can sav tim for popl whn thy go out. scond, cars can hlp parnts tak thir childrn to school. morovr, owning a car is a fashion and rprsnts th high quality of lif. of cours, othrs strongly objct to dvloping privat cars bcaus automobils hav givn ris to a sris of problms, such as air pollution, traffic jams and nrgy consumption. bsids, it causs actual harm to th halth of popl.in my opinion it is impractical to ncourag privat cars in china. i sincrly bliv that privat cars should b discouragd in china. at prsnt, w should rais th pric of gasolin to th prohibitiv lvl to mak car-driving xpnsiv nough. all in all, th dvlopmnt of privat cars should b rstrictd in china.
应该鼓励中国的私家车(Should Private Cars Be Encouraged in China)
更新时间:2025-01-18 20:10:58
应该鼓励中国的私家车(Should Private Cars Be Encouraged in China) 相关文章
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