Tachrs' Day(新闻报道,场景描述式教师节英语作文)
Ystrday, Sptmbr 10th was Tachr's Day. Thr was a big clbraing mting in th city. Many govrnmnt officials wr prsnt at th mting. Mayor(市长) mad a spch, in which h spok highly of th tachrs' prtormanc.About 100 modl tachrs wr rwardd. Th rprstativtachrs and studnts also spok at th mting. Aftr th mting, th ladrs of th city had thir picturs takn with th modl tachrs. it is rportd that our city govrnmnt has dcidd to do tn good dds for th tachrs. That will gratly inspir our tachrs and promot ducational.