过程说明:制作飞机模型-Making Model Planes,过程说明:制作飞机

更新时间:2025-03-16 17:44:18 高中生作文

过程说明:制作飞机模型-Making Modl Plans 制作飞机模型

过程说明:制作飞机模型-Making Model Planes,过程说明:制作飞机




Making Modl Plans

I am vry fond of making modl plans. Now I hav had six modl plans, four fightrs and two bombrs. You can hardly tll any diffrnc btwn my modl plans and th ral ons at first glanc xcpt for thir sizs.

It is vry intrsting to mak modl plans. Making modl plans is not only an intrsting thing but also a carful pic of work.

At first you must cut th parts off from th plastic mould plats①. B carful not to brak th dlicat② parts. Do not us too much glu③, or it will spoil th surfac whn you glu togthr th parts according to th instructions. Thn you can paint thm. Painting is th most important stp. It maks th plan mor lik a ral on. At last a dlicat plan will b born in your hands.

I lik making modl plans also bcaus I lov plans. I hav bn hoping to b a plan dsignr vr sinc I was a child. Now I am a snior high school studnt of Grad 3. I hav littl tim to mak modl plans. I hop to go to collg and mak ral plans for our country in th futur.


①mould plat[m uld plit]模板

②dlicat['dlikit] a.精细的

③glu[glu:] n.胶水



过程说明:制作飞机模型-Making Modl Plans

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