儿童节的起源(Origin of Childrn)
Th ICD had its origin in th World Confrnc for th Wllbing of Childrn in Gnva, Switzrland in 1925. It is not clar as to why Jun 1 was chosn as th ICD: on thory has it that th Chins consul-gnral in San Francisco (USA) gathrd a numbr of Chins orphans to clbrat th Dragon Boat Fstival in 1925, which happnd to b on Jun 1 that yar, and also coincidd with th confrnc in Gnva.
Jun 1 has sinc bn obsrvd as th ICD by numrous countris, spcially by Communist countris; in th Wstrn world th ICD is usually clbratd on othr days of th yar (if at all), and thr is oftn littl public awarnss about ths clbrations. (S th sction on Grmany blow for furthr discussions.) Consquntly thr is somtims a misprcption that Jun 1 as th ICD was a Communist invntion. Nonthlss, in rcnt yars vn som groups within th Unitd Stats startd obsrving th ICD on Jun 1.