一位大方的朋友(A Friend of Liberality)

更新时间:2025-03-15 04:50:07 高中生作文

whn i was in snior grad 2, thr was a girl whom i dislikd. i do not know why i dislikd hr. sh had always bn frindly toward m, and had nvr don anything to caus m to fl th way i did about hr. i was continually saying unplasant things to hr, making fun of hr, and snubbing① hr.on day as i was going hom from school, th girl caught up with m and said, “miss lin, our tachr, wants you to com back to th schoolhous for a littl whil.” i didn't bliv hr. i just said, “do you think that i would walk back to th schoolhous just bcaus you told m to? you probably ar just tlling m that for a jok.” i walkd on down th strt, laving th girl standing alon.th nxt day whn i got to school, miss lin askd m, “why didn't you com back to th schoolhous as i askd you to?” i said, “i didn't know you wantd m. “miss lin snt for th girl and askd hr, “did you tll su ming to com back?” th girl answrd,“i'm sorry, miss lin, but i didn't tll hr; i couldn't catch up with hr.”i was surprisd. i suddnly ralizd how prtty sh was. sh had long black hair and blu dark ys. hr vn whit tth showd from hr partd lips as sh smild at m. i flt i ought to b ashamd of myslf and i found out all my faults in comparison with② hr librality③.【词语解释】①snub [sn)b] v.冷落;怠慢②in comparison [k m'p$ris n] with 与&hllip;&hllip;比较③librality [?lib 'r$l ti] n.慷慨;心胸宽大;大方

一位大方的朋友(A Friend of Liberality)

八字精批 八字合婚 八字起名 八字财运 2024运势 测终身运 姓名详批 结婚吉日
标签: 恩情 未了
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